Time to Heal

So much has happened since I last posted anything under the “news” section on my site. The holidays were busy and the winter months rushed by with the yearly resolutions and goal setting for both my class and small business. Typical “New Year – let’s get off to a great start!”. Then it all stopped.

On March 13 I left my classroom, not knowing when I’d return and how to move forward in academic terms. We, as teachers, moved on to a world of digital/distance learning, ourselves learning the ins and outs as we went. It was not easy for many of us as teachers, and equally, if not harder, for our parents on the other side. We have all had friends and family affected by the Covid-19 virus in many ways – sickness, job loss, fear, and anxiety about the unknown. We are still there today.

Just as we started wrapping our heads around the physical virus, we became more aware of a social virus that is not novel. The recent (and not so recent) events that have occurred with some law enforcement and racial injustice is just as much a sickness as Covid-19. We need to heal – globally, locally, and socially.

I’m not attempting to make any sales with this post. I’m not even sure I’ve hit the nail on the head here, but I wanted to reach out and say that I care and am hoping for a change. Perhaps 2020 is the year to bring about the change that has been needed. It’s clearly time to learn…and heal.


  • Ginny Beasley

    Well said!

  • Judith E Beck

    Well said Amy,
    My wish and prayers for our country.

  • Nancy McElwee

    Thank you for your words

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